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MLOps/Doker & Kubernetes

Udemy CKA 강의 정리 0: 목차

by 공부하는 무니 2022. 12. 29.

CKA 준비의 정석이라고 불리는 Udemy의 Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) with Practice Tests 강의를 듣기 시작했습니다. 공부하며 정리한 내용을 기록합니다. 제 주변에 영어강의라 포기하시는 분들이 많아서, 제가 기록한 것이 조금이라도 도움이 된다면 좋을 것 같다는 마음에 공유합니다.

정리한 내용은 블로그에 포스팅할 예정입니다. 포스팅한 강의는 아래 목차에 링크로 달아두도록 하겠습니다.


  • 📘 섹션 3: Scheduling
    1. Scheduling Section Introduction
    1. Download Presentation Deck for this section
    1. Manual Scheduling
    1. Practice Test - Manual Scheduling
    1. Solution - Manual Scheduling (optional)
    1. Labels and Selectors
    1. Practice Test - Labels and Selectors
    1. Solution - Labels and Selectors (optional)
    1. Taints and Tolerations
    1. Practice Test - Taints and Tolerations
    1. Solution - Taints and Tolerations (optional)
    1. Node Selectors
    1. Node Affinity
    1. Practice Test - Node Affinity
    1. Solution - Node Affinity (optional)
    1. Taints and Tolerations vs Node Affinity
    1. Resource Requirements and Limits
    1. Note on default resource requirements and limits
    1. A quick note on editing PODs and Deployments
    1. Practice Test - Resource Requirements and Limits
    1. Solution - Resource Limits (optional)
    1. DaemonSets
    1. Practice Test - DaemonSets
    1. Solution - DaemonSets (optional)
    1. Static Pods
    1. Practice Test - Static Pods
    1. Solution - Static Pods (optional)
    1. Multiple Schedulers
    1. Practice Test - Multiple Schedulers
    1. Solution - Multiple Schedulers (optional)
    1. Configuring Scheduler Profiles
    1. References
  • 📘 섹션 4: Logging & Monitoring
    1. Logging and Monitoring Section Introduction
    1. Download Presentation Deck
    1. Monitor Cluster Components
    1. Practice Test - Monitor Cluster Components
    1. Solution - Monitor Cluster Components (optional)
    1. Managing Application Logs
    1. Practice Test - Managing Application Logs
    1. Solution - Managing Application Logs (optional)
  • 📘 섹션 5: Application Lifecycle Management
    1. Application Lifecycle Management - Section Introduction
    1. Download Slide Deck
    1. Rolling Updates and Rollbacks
    1. Practice Test - Rolling Updates and Rollbacks
    1. Solution - Rolling Updates and Rollbacks (optional)
    1. Configure Applications
    1. Commands
    1. Commands and Arguments
    1. Practice Test - Commands and Arguments
    1. Solution - Commands and Arguments (optional)
    1. Configure Environment Variables in Applications
    1. Configuring ConfigMaps in Applications
    1. Practice Test - Environment Variables
    1. Solution - Environment Variables (optional)
    1. Configure Secrets in Applications
    1. A note about Secrets!
    1. Practice Test - Secrets
    1. Solution - Secrets (optional)
    1. Demo: Encrypting Secret Data at Rest
    1. Scale Applications
    1. Multi Container PODs
    1. Practice Test - Multi Container PODs
    1. Solution - Multi Container PODs (optional)
    1. Multi Container PODs Design Patterns
    1. Init Containers
    1. Practice Test - Init Containers
    1. Solution - Init Containers (optional)
    1. Self Healing Applications
    1. If you like it, Share it!
  • 📘 섹션 6: Cluster Maintenance
    1. Cluster Maintenance - Section Introduction
    1. Download Presentation Deck
    1. OS Upgrade
    1. Practice Test - OS Upgrade
    1. Solution - OS Upgrade (optional)
    1. Kubernetes Software Versions
    1. References
    1. Cluster Upgrade Process
    1. Demo - Cluster Upgrade
    1. Practice Test - Cluster Upgrade
    1. Solution - Cluster Upgrade
    1. Backup and Restore Methods
    1. Working with ETCDCTL
    1. Practice Test - Backup and Restore Methods
    1. Solution - Backup and Restore Methods
    1. Practice Test - Backup and Restore Methods 2
    1. Certification Exam Tip!
    1. References
  • 📘 섹션 9: Networking
    1. Networking - Section Introduction
    1. Download Presentation Deck
    1. Prerequisite - Switching Routing
    1. Prerequisite - DNS
    1. Prerequisite - CoreDNS
    1. Prerequisite - Network Namespaces
    1. FAQ
    1. Prerequisite - Docker Networking
    1. Prerequisite - CNI
    1. Cluster Networking
    1. Important Note about CNI and CKA Exam
    1. Practice Test - Explore Kubernetes Environment
    1. Solution - Explore Kubernetes Environment (optional)
    1. Pod Networking
    1. CNI in Kubernetes
    1. CNI weave
    1. Practice Test - Explore CNI
    1. Solution - Explore CNI (optional)
    1. Practice Test - Deploy Network Solution
    1. Solution - Deploy Network Solution (optional)
    1. IP Address Management - Weave
    1. Practice Test - Networking Weave
    1. Solution - Networking Weave (optional)
    1. Service Networking
    1. Practice Test - Service Networking
    1. Solution - Service Networking
    1. DNS in kubernetes
    1. CoreDNS in kubernetes
    1. Practice Test - Explore DNS
    1. Solution - Explore DNS (optional)
    1. Ingress
    1. Article: Ingress
    1. Practice Test - Ingress -1
    1. Solution - Ingress Networking -1 (optional)
    1. Ingress - Annotations and rewrite-target
    1. Practice Test - Ingress -2
    1. Solution - Ingress Networking -2 (optional)
  • 📘 섹션 10: Design and Install a Kubernetes Cluster
    1. Download Presentation Deck
    1. Design a Kubernetes Cluster
    1. Choosing Kubernetes Infrastructure
    1. Configure High Availability
    1. ETCD in HA
    1. Important Update: Kubernetes the Hard Way
  • 📘 섹션 11: Install “Kubernetes the kubeadm way”
    1. Introduction to Deployment with Kubeadm
    1. Resources
    1. Deploy with Kubeadm - Provision VMs with Vagrant
    1. Demo - Deployment with Kubeadm
    1. Practice Test - Deploy a Kubernetes Cluster using Kubeadm
    1. Solution - Deploy a Kubernetes Cluster using Kubeadm (optional)
  • 📘 섹션 12: End to End Tests on a Kubernetes Cluster
    1. Important Update: End to End Section
  • 📘 섹션 13: Troubleshooting
    1. Troubleshooting - Section Introduction
    1. Download Presentation Deck
    1. Application Failure
    1. Practice Test - Application Failure
    1. Solution - Application Failure (optional)
    1. Control Plane Failure
    1. Practice Test - Control Plane Failure
    1. Solution - Control Plane Failure (optional)
    1. Worker Node Failure
    1. Practice Test - Worker Node Failure
    1. Solution - Worker Node Failure (optional)
    1. Network Troubleshooting
    1. Practice Test - Troubelshoot Network
  • 📘 섹션 14: Other Topics
    1. Pre-Requisites - JSON PATH
    1. Practice Test - JSON PATH
    1. Advanced Kubectl Commands
    1. Practice Test - Advanced Kubectl Commands
  • 📘 섹션 15: Lightning Labs
    1. Lightning Lab Introduction
    1. Lightning Lab -1
  • 📘 섹션 16: Mock Exams
    1. Mock Exam -1
    1. Solution - Mock Exam -1 (optional)
    1. Mock Exam -2
    1. Solution - Mock Exam -2 (optional)
    1. Mock Exam -3
    1. Solution - Mock Exam -3 (optional)
