해당 내용은 Udemy의 Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) with Practice Tests 강의를 공부한 내용입니다. 내용을 그대로 번역하기보다는, 제가 이해하기 쉬운 대로 수정한 부분들이 있습니다.
⚠️ 영어 독해가 많이 부족합니다. 틀린 내용이 있으면 알려주시면 감사하겠습니다.
Q1. What secret type must we choose for docker registry?
답: docker-registry
Q2. We have an application running on our cluster. Let us explore it first. What image is the application using?
답: nginx:alpine
Q3. We decided to use a modified version of the application from an internal private registry. Update the image of the deployment to use a new image from myprivateregistry.com:5000
k edit deployments.apps web
Q4. Are the new PODs created with the new images successfully running?
답: No
Q5. Create a secret object with the credentials required to access the registry.
Name: private-reg-cred
Username: dock_user
Password: dock_password
Server: myprivateregistry.com:5000
Email: dock_user@myprivateregistry.com
Q6. Configure the deployment to use credentials from the new secret to pull images from the private registry
k edit deployments.apps web
Q7. Check the status of PODs. Wait for them to be running. You have now successfully configured a Deployment to pull images from the private registry.
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