해당 내용은 Udemy의 Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) with Practice Tests 강의를 공부한 내용입니다. 내용을 그대로 번역하기보다는, 제가 이해하기 쉬운 대로 수정한 부분들이 있습니다.
⚠️ 영어 독해가 많이 부족합니다. 틀린 내용이 있으면 알려주시면 감사하겠습니다.
Q1. In this lab environment, you will get to work with multiple kubernetes clusters where we will practice backing up and restoring the ETCD database.
Q2. You will notice that, you are logged in to the student-node (instead of the controlplane). The student-node has the kubectl client and has access to all the Kubernetes clusters that are configured in thie lab environment. Before proceeding to the next question, explore the student-node and the clusters it has access to.
Q3. How many clusters are defined in the kubeconfig on the student-node? You can make use of the kubectl config command.
답: 2
Q4: How many nodes (both controlplane and worker) are part of cluster1? Make sure to switch the context to cluster1:
kubectl config use-context cluster1
답: 2
Q5. What is the name of the controlplane node in cluster2? Make sure to switch the context to cluster2:
kubectl config use-context cluster2
답: cluster2-controlplane
Q7. How is ETCD configured for cluster1? Remember, you can access the clusters from student-node using the kubectl tool. You can also ssh to the cluster nodes from the student-node.
Make sure to switch the context to cluster1:
kubectl config use-context cluster1
답: Stacked ETCD
Q8. How is ETCD configured for cluster2? Remember, you can access the clusters from student-node using the kubectl tool. You can also ssh to the cluster nodes from the student-node.
Make sure to switch the context to cluster2:
kubectl config use-context cluster2
답: External ETCD
Q9. What is the IP address of the External ETCD datastore used in cluster2?
Q10. What is the default data directory used the for ETCD datastore used in cluster1?
Remember, this cluster uses a Stacked ETCD topology.
Make sure to switch the context to cluster1:
kubectl config use-context cluster1
답: /var/lib/etcd
Q12. What is the default data directory used the for ETCD datastore used in cluster2?
Remember, this cluster uses an External ETCD topology.
답: /var/lib/etcd-data
Q13. How many nodes are part of the ETCD cluster that etcd-server is a part of?
답 1
Q14. Take a backup of etcd on cluster1 and save it on the student-node at the path /opt/cluster1.db
(다시 풀기)
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