MLOps/Doker & Kubernetes

Udemy CKA 강의 정리 267: Mock Exam -2

공부하는 무니 2023. 2. 2. 20:48

해당 내용은 Udemy의 Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) with Practice Tests 강의를 공부한 내용입니다. 내용을 그대로 번역하기보다는, 제가 이해하기 쉬운 대로 수정한 부분들이 있습니다.

⚠️ 영어 독해가 많이 부족합니다. 틀린 내용이 있으면 알려주시면 감사하겠습니다.

1. Take a backup of the etcd cluster and save it to /opt/etcd-backup.db.


2. Create a Pod called redis-storage with image: redis:alpine with a Volume of type emptyDir that lasts for the life of the Pod.

  • Pod named 'redis-storage' created

  • Pod 'redis-storage' uses Volume type of emptyDir

  • Pod 'redis-storage' uses volumeMount with mountPath = /data/redis

3. Create a new pod called super-user-pod with image busybox:1.28. Allow the pod to be able to set system_time.

The container should sleep for 4800 seconds.

  • Pod: super-user-pod

  • Container Image: busybox:1.28

  • SYS_TIME capabilities for the conatiner?

4. A pod definition file is created at /root/CKA/use-pv.yaml. Make use of this manifest file and mount the persistent volume called pv-1. Ensure the pod is running and the PV is bound.

mountPath: /data
persistentVolumeClaim Name: my-pvc

  • persistentVolume Claim configured correctly

  • pod using the correct mountPath

  • pod using the persistent volume claim?

5. Create a new deployment called nginx-deploy, with image nginx:1.16 and 1 replica. Next upgrade the deployment to version 1.17 using rolling update.

  • Deployment : nginx-deploy. Image: nginx:1.16

  • Image: nginx:1.16

  • Task: Upgrade the version of the deployment to 1:17

  • Task: Record the changes for the image upgrade

6. Create a new user called john. Grant him access to the cluster. John should have permission to create, list, get, update and delete pods in the development namespace . The private key exists in the location: /root/CKA/john.key and csr at /root/CKA/john.csr.

Important Note: As of kubernetes 1.19, the CertificateSigningRequest object expects a signerName.

Please refer the documentation to see an example. The documentation tab is available at the top right of terminal.

  • CSR: john-developer Status:Approved

  • Role Name: developer, namespace: development, Resource: Pods

  • Access: User 'john' has appropriate permissions

7. Create a nginx pod called nginx-resolver using image nginx, expose it internally with a service called nginx-resolver-service. Test that you are able to look up the service and pod names from within the cluster. Use the image: busybox:1.28 for dns lookup. Record results in /root/CKA/nginx.svc and /root/CKA/nginx.pod

  • Pod: nginx-resolver created

  • Service DNS Resolution recorded correctly

  • Pod DNS resolution recorded correctly

8. Create a static pod on node01 called nginx-critical with image nginx and make sure that it is recreated/restarted automatically in case of a failure.

Use /etc/kubernetes/manifests as the Static Pod path for example.

  • static pod configured under /etc/kubernetes/manifests ?

  • Pod nginx-critical-node01 is up and running

