MLOps/Doker & Kubernetes

Udemy CKA 강의 정리 164: Solution - Cluster Roles

공부하는 무니 2023. 1. 19. 09:16

해당 내용은 Udemy의 Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) with Practice Tests 강의를 공부한 내용입니다. 내용을 그대로 번역하기보다는, 제가 이해하기 쉬운 대로 수정한 부분들이 있습니다.

⚠️ 영어 독해가 많이 부족합니다. 틀린 내용이 있으면 알려주시면 감사하겠습니다.

Q1. For the first few questions of this lab, you would have to inspect the existing ClusterRoles and ClusterRoleBindings that have been created in this cluster.

Q2. How many ClusterRoles do you see defined in the cluster?

답: 69

Q3. How many ClusterRoleBindings exist on the cluster?

답: 54

Q4. What namespace is the cluster-admin clusterrole part of?

답: Cluster Roles are cluster wide and not part of any namespace

Q5. What user/groups are the cluster-admin role bound to?

답: system:masters

Q6. What level of permission does the cluster-admin role grant?

답: Perform any action on any resource in the cluster

Q7. A new user michelle joined the team. She will be focusing on the nodes in the cluster. Create the required ClusterRoles and ClusterRoleBindings so she gets access to the nodes.

Q8. michelle's responsibilities are growing and now she will be responsible for storage as well. Create the required ClusterRoles and ClusterRoleBindings to allow her access to Storage.

kubectl api-resources
